
Differences between Nicotine-free vapes and Nicotine vapes

October 18, 2023

Let’s start by stating the obvious, Nicotine vapes have an amount of nicotine, and Nicotine-free vapes do not have any nicotine. You might notice the difference between the two when you actually inhale the product.

Let’s start by stating the obvious, Nicotine vapes have an amount of nicotine, and Nicotine-free vapes do not have any nicotine. You might notice the difference between the two when you actually inhale the product.

Inhaling from the nicotine vape hits you in the back of your throat revealing a sharp sensation. It also gives you a little bit of a buzz which essentially means that the nicotine reaches your brain within 10 seconds of entering your body. When the nicotine reaches your brain, it causes your brain to release adrenaline producing a buzz of pleasure and energy. On the other hand, nicotine-free vapes are designed to purely enjoy the taste and the feel of smoke traveling through your body.

The Differences:

Impact on your health:

In general Nicotine is bad for your body, although it gives you a buzz making it enjoyable, it negatively impacts some of your organs and increases chances of you getting lung cancer, strokes, and heart diseases. This may allow you to explore more options that are safer, such as nicotine-free vapes. This is a great option for those who are trying to quit smoking products with nicotine. It also is ideal for those have just started vaping and are conscious of their health. Vapes without nicotine will be drastically less harmful to the body than any nicotine products.

Level of addictiveness:

Nicotine is mainly addictive because of the buzz it creates, and it fades quickly so you may want that feeling again. When looking for a soothing vape that contains no nicotine to help them stop using it, many may find a nicotine-free option to be less dangerous. Smoke inhalation is often harmful to the body. No nicotine vapes, however, are 95% less dangerous than nicotine vapes or other nicotine-containing goods, which can cause addiction and serious harm to an individual’s general health.

Hits your throat:

What affects the hit that you feel in your throat, is the percentage of nicotine. The higher the concentration of nicotine, the stronger the hit. Vapes with low or zero nicotine concentration allows you to experience a smoother throat hit.


The price difference between nicotine and nicotine-free vapes isn’t too extreme. Nicotine-free vapes are generally more affordable than nicotine vapes. Remember, disposable vapes may have their prices increased more than refillable vapes over time.

Nicotine concentration:

One of the most obvious differences between a nicotine-containing vape and a nicotine-free vape is the amount of nicotine present. A nicotine-free vape will not include the harmful and addictive substance known as nicotine. Although the nicotine in the nicotine vape will always be present, the amount may vary and reach 50mg.

Flavour experience:

The nicotine-free vape will have a more distinct flavour due to the fact that it is not affected by dilution of nicotine. The texture, lavishness, and savouriness will be more noticeable, without the mixing of nicotine. Nicotine doesn’t have a definitive flavour and is mixed with vape liquid (which contains the flavour). The nicotine dilutes the e-liquid resulting in a less prominent flavour. So... Nicotine vapes or Nicotine-free vapes?

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